Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Power of Advertising

The power of advertising is a lot more powerful than most of us probably think. Even though most likely all of us change the channel when a commercial comes on the tv, but if a good commercial comes on we probably watch it, am I right? Even when we change the channel though we are changing it from a commercial we hate but we still always remember that ad, i would say that those people did there job even if we do hate the commercial. We watch commercials or look at ads not even realizing that the ad has done its job. Most likely you will buy a product that you have seen in an ad in a magazine or a commercial simply because it was shown on tv so it must be better than the generic brand, probably not though, in fact they are most likely the same exact product with a different logo but you still buy the name brand and this is due to advertising.


  1. not only are ads powerful and influential, they have a lasting impact on consumers. i can remember tab commercials from when i was a kid growing up. their motto was "tab - for beautiful people." i will never forget it.

  2. Especially commericals that have catchy little songs with them, they really tend to stick in your head!
